A short time ago, I reviewed Numberblocks, the new CBeebies show starring the number pals of the Alphablocks, who make their own kind of magic by jumping on top of each other to make new, bigger numbers. While it hasn’t quite yet reached the level of popularity (at least with its very young target audience) as its parent show, it has nevertheless become a hit with both kids and parents alike in teaching them their 123s as well as their ABCs.



And with me, they’ve also gone down the same path as their letter friends in Alphaland… by becoming human!

Just like the humanized versions of their letter pals, the humanized Numberblocks take their looks, colours and personalities from their block forms. Although they do have eyes, mouths, arms and legs in block form, I decided that they’d have a lot more character if they were real people – sort of like if Lego characters become actual humans.

Unlike the humanized Alphablocks, however, the humanized Numberblocks don’t have ‘real’ names or ages. I thought it would be pretty silly if the Numberblocks were the same age as the number they’re supposed to represent, which would mean One would be one year old, Two would be two years old, and so on. The humanized versions of them look and act much older than that! 😉

Almost all of the human Numberblocks wear glasses; this is because I saw the little rims around their eyes when in block form as glasses – it’s most obvious on Two. Five and Ten’s glasses were probably the most fun to draw, since they have stars around their eyes, and I thought they could wear those ‘showbiz’ star spectacles in their human forms. (Which fits Five perfectly, since she plays in a band.) Three, being a clown, has a red hat and buttons, but no red nose in sight. She is the only one of the human Numberblocks who doesn’t wear glasses, because have you ever seen a clown wearing glasses? 😁

As with the humanized forms of their letter pals, I’m planning to create screenshot redraws of the Numberblocks show, replacing the blocks with my humanized versions of the Numberblocks:

My sister’s also drawn the humanized Numberblocks:

Humanized Cast of Numberblocks (Melissa’s Version)

And one of her friends has even drawn the humanized Three in a ‘realistic’ style:

Realistic Three








